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Restricting agent login to Google SSO

About This Article

The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of how to restrict agent login to Google SSO.

If you have an Enterprise account and want Google SSO to be the only method that your agents can use to login in to the SnapEngage chat platform, you will need to enable the “Exclusive Login” checkbox …


How to improve security within your organisation

About This Article

The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of how to improve security within your organization.

At SnapEngage we take security very seriously, and we follow some very strict guidelines when it comes to our visitors’ data, and our own internal security, so we would like to share some tips that you may want …


Delete visitor data after it is successfully sent to destination

About This Article

The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of deleting visitor data after it is successfully sent to its destination.

At SnapEngage we value our clients’ and visitors’ trust and privacy greatly and we do everything possible to increase security. We have, however, gone one step further to make sure you are in …


Personnel security


About This Article

The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of personnel security.

SnapEngage is dependent on the support it receives from its staff. Personnel must access, process, and store sensitive data for SnapEngage to accomplish its operating objectives. While we recognize that our staff is the greatest resource in maintaining an effective level of


Audit Logs

About This Article

The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of the Audit logs.

The Audit Logs are a feature added to help users see what changes are being made to their accounts and they can be found under “My Account” > “Security”.


Any time a change is made to a Widget’s Settings, a Widget’s …


Security Settings

About This Article

The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of the Security Settings tab.

Security Settings

Only your account owner can change your security settings.

*The new security settings are available on enterprise accounts.

Password Rules

Password complexity

Change the password requirements to increase the difficulty of password cracking

Every time you increase the requirements


Security, Frequently Asked Questions

About This Article

This article clarifies commonly asked questions about how we secure.

What is your privacy policy?

You can read our full privacy policy here: http://www.snapengage.com/privacy

Does your solution perform validation of input and output to ensure that it is correct and appropriate to mitigate risks of cross-site scripting, SQL injection, buffer overflow, etc?

Yes, In developing SnapEngage we …