Home > How to improve security within your organisation


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The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of how to improve security within your organization.

At SnapEngage we take security very seriously, and we follow some very strict guidelines when it comes to our visitors’ data, and our own internal security, so we would like to share some tips that you may want to follow within your organization, with your agents and with your visitors.

Create a security culture

In the late years there has been a lot of progress towards this step for the majority of organizations but it seems that there is still a lot of work to be done. Make sure that your employees on all levels comprehend the importance of security and the possible threats out there especially the ones related with technology. You need to develop and formulate policies that will comprise your “Security Policy” which will be communicated to all and to which specifically your management team will commit. Support includes making resources and budget available for information security.

Keep your agents up to date on your security policy

Some visitors will be asking you about your security policies. Keep your agents informed, they should be able to answer questions like what data you collect from them, what do you do with that data, where you store it, and how long you store it for, how your agents are trained on security issues, how their systems are protected, and what happens in case of security breach. If a visitor asks your agents questions about security and your agents know the answer, this will give the visitor a sense of protection within your organisation.

Make sure your agents delete the visitors’ data they don’t need

Occasionally, your visitors will have to share data with your agents. Whether these are screenshots, or csv files, these may be files that your visitors need to show your agents for any kind of issues like troubleshooting, or demonstration, but these may contain sensitive data that shouldn’t be kept on your agents’ computers once the issue has been solved. These days many companies allow their employees to work remotely, if their equipment ever gets stolen, any visitors’ data kept on their computers, could be compromised. Train your agents to delete the visitors’ data once they no longer need it, in order to reduce these risks.

Keep a clean machine

Make sure your agents update their systems regularly and they keep their antivirus and firewalls up to date. Having the latest browsers’ updates, java updates, etc.,will address many security issues and will keep the malware and online threats at a minimum. Many programs will offer automatic updates, and this is something you may want to consider.

Scan all new devices

Occasionally your agents may need to put devices such as hard drives or pen drives onto their computers. Make sure they are aware that this could cause a threat, and they know how to scan the devices with their antivirus before using them.

Penetration tests

Periodically test your systems for vulnerabilities with penetration tests and / or vulnerability scans. It is better that you define any possible vulnerabilities that you might have before any hacker does!

You can find a lot more information about SnapEngage security related questions and about how to increase security for your account here.

And of course, please feel free to start a chat with us anytime about any questions you might have.

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Published November 14, 2016