Home > Fields mapped to HubSpot by default


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The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of fields mapped to HubSpot by default.


The HubSpot integration updates a HubSpot Contact with two pieces of information by default: name and email.  We also send a copy of the transcript and the transcript URL to the Contact timeline. There are a few other JavaScript variables that are hard-coded on our backend but not sent over to your HubSpot unless you setup custom mapping. Those are phone, company, and description (Your Question).

You will notice that when you are in the Design Studio and editing a pre-chat or offline form, certain fields will have a place to enter a Javascript variable name and some will not.



Summary; In the Design Studio, you will not be able to set the name for the variables name, email, your question, phone, and company and only the name and email variables will be sent over by default.  If you want phone, company, and your question, you will need to setup custom mappings and here is how to do that.

  1. Make sure you have the Phone and Company fields on your pre-chat/offline form
  2. Go to Settings > Options and scroll down until you see the “Collect additional information” section.
  3. Check the box for Javascript variables and add “phone” and “company” and hit save. 
  4. Then, head over to Settings > Integrations and scroll down to mapping area and setup a mapping similar to this. 
  5. Choose JavaScript for Source type, pick the variable name (these come from step 3). The last 3 options are based on your HubSpot account so you will need to choose the correct info there.

            *Under the source type SnapEngage, you might see some source values titled Contact “Phone” and “Phonenumber“. These will not work with Design Studio forms and are for users using legacy code.    


You can do this same process of other fields as well. For example, if you chose Single Line Text Input field in Design Studio, you could ask What is your age? Then name the variable age. Add it under options and then custom map it to your HubSpot.


If you have anymore questions, please feel free to reach out to the support team.


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Published August 31, 2017