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The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of Proactive vs Reactive Chats and how each are assigned.

There are two types of chats, Proactive chat and Reactive chat.

Proactive Chats

Proactive chats are first assigned to agents with the least number of chats when a visitor is on your site.

Example: Mia has one chat and Chris has no chats. If a visitor comes to the website they will see the proactive chat prompt from Chris.

All things being equal, proactive chat assignment is random.

You can enable Proactive chat in your Admin Panel under Proactive Chat.

Reactive Chats

Reactive chats are chats initiated by your website visitor. Reactive chat distribution can be set up two different ways.

1.Notify all online agents of each incoming chat (limited to a maximum number of 5 agents – not applicable to proactive chat)

This option will notify all available agents of an incoming chat. Whichever agent responds to the chat first will claim ownership of this chat.  Agents remaining will also be notified that the chat has already been responded to. For bigger teams (more than 5 agents) chat will be broadcasted to 5 randomly selected agents.

2. Automatically assign each incoming chat to a specific agent.

Chats are assigned to agents with the least number of current chats. If all agents have an equal number of ongoing chats then the system will randomly assign the chat to an agent.

For information on how this would work if you have priority tiers set up, please click here.

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Published October 3, 2013