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The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of  some of the best practices when using SnapEngage on both the agent and admin side.

This doc is to outline some of the best practices when using SnapEngage on both the agent and admin side.


1. Tone/Voice

  • The tone and voice of the agent(s) is very important and can make the customer experience a great or not so great one. You are the voice for your company so what kind of voice do you want to convey to the customers? Are there company values that can offer guidance in the way you interact? For example “We are kind and honest and value our clients feedback.” You can assume from this value that agents would speak in a kind manner and be empathic.
  • Use your visitors name when possible. – If you see their email, feel free to greet them by name! That makes them feel more relaxed and welcomed. Treat them as friends and they will in turn, return the favor.

2. Response Time

  • Response time is how quickly the agent responds to a visitor when they first chat in but I like to take this a step further and also like to keep this in mind during the chat. If you are investigating an issue for a client and need to debug something, let them know you are working on it and if it will take a long time to solve, offer to follow up with them via email/phone. The more communication the better.

3. KB’s, Screenshots and videos

  • Screenshots and screencasts are a great way to show a client exactly where or what they need to do. I recommend the free program ​JING​ for doing this. Keep in mind that not everyone is a visual learner and may want a help doc. If you have a company help site, make sure your admin set’s it up in the admin dashboard in the knowledge-base section.

4. Know your website.

  • Make yourself familiar with your website, know where everything is so that when your visitors come asking you will be able to either respond right away or know where in the website you can go to start looking for your answers!

5. Learn some shortcuts.

  • Shortcuts are added by the account owner or a sub admin in the admin dashboard under the shortcuts sub-menu. You can view the shortcuts in your Conversations Hub by clicking on the Shortcuts button where you enter your chat text or just start to type the first few letters of the shortcut name.

6. Other tips

  • Make sure you have desktop notifications enabled
  • Make sure you have your volume up to hear sound notifications
  • Have SnapEngage in a separate browser window because browsers can throttle tabs and not allow notifications to come through.
  • Be online and ready to chat!
  • Make sure your agents have the right number of max chats. If they are talking/speaking with too many clients at once, this can hurt the overall experience.


1. Agent Settings

  • Make sure agents have names and photos. Visitors are more likely to chat with an agent when they have any actual photo.
  • Make sure to add a phone number if you will be using the Call-Me feature.
  • Consider your options when choosing Agent Assignment Settings. Notify all agents of incoming chats or Auto Assign chats as they come in.
  • Agent Reassignment is a feature everyone should use because it provides for a better customer experience. If using auto responder and agent reassignment, agent reassignment should occur prior to auto responder.
  • Auto Responder gives the visitor a chance to leave an offline message if the wait is too long.
  • Shortcuts are an agent’s best friend.

2. Integrations

  • This is how and where we send the chat once it’s over so it’s important to make sure it’s setup correctly. Default is Email where simply send a copy of the transcript to an email(s). I also like to recommend for the Email Sender options that you send from ​[email protected]​ to avoid SPAM issues.
  • If you will be using one of the more advanced integrations like Salesforce, ZenDesk or Hubspot, make sure to check out some of our help docs at ​help.snapengage.com as there are several options/settings when setting this up. One important thing to note is making sure the connected account has read/write permissions so we can accurately send over the data and post in selected fields.
  • Knowledge-bases can help your agents get the data they need fast.

3. Design Studio

  • If you are not using the Design Studio yet, you should be! Design Studio is the best way to customize you pre-chat, online chat box and offline form.
  • Pre-Chat form helps capture visitor info before the chat starts and you can make it required.

4. Options

  • Widget name. The widget name is very important because this is public facing so please use your company name here.
  • Agent links is a great way to give your agent(s) access to URL’s or Google Forms within the SnapEngage tool.
  • File Exchange and Secure Data Transfer makes it easy for agents and visitors to exchange files and personal info so we recommend that you make sure you look over these settings.
  • Wouldn’t it be great to know what the visitor thought about the quality of the chat they just had? Well with Agent Survey they can. You can edit the question to say whatever you would like and the visitor will be presented with a survey at the end of the chat.

5. Proactive Chat

  • I love to recommend proactive chat because it can help engage visitors to interact with agents and help your Sales team capture leads or help your Support team solve issues. It’s a great way to get people chatting!

6. Other Tips

  • Use ​labels​ to help agents capture data during the chat
  • Use the ​Capacity Report​ to look at chat trends to help with staffing needs
  • Weekly stats email can go to multiple people (so can billing receipts)

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Published April 26, 2019