Home > Guide Bot Template: Sales Qualification


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This article explains how to set a Sales Qualification bot.

Guide Bot Template: Sales Qualification and Routing

See the full list of available Guide Bot templates here.

Ask your visitors a few simple questions to understand their goals and readiness to buy – then route the chat to the correct sales team or agent.


  • Learn where your visitors are in the “buying journey.” Are they ready to buy, or just learning? What type of content might be most beneficial for them at this time?
  • Route website visitors to a specific sales team or sales agent based on key qualifying information and territories (i.e. industry, geolocation, company size, etc)
  • Use this Guide Bot to educate your buyers, and move them along the buyer journey with information personalized to their needs
  • When the buyer is ready (or stuck due to barriers that may arise) – quickly route to the right live agent team to ensure optimal engagement

Whether you’re selling sneakers or consulting services, your customers typically go through a journey from initial awareness and learning more about what your product is, to finally taking action and making a purchase. Whenever you talk to a customer, it is helpful to understand where they are in that journey, and what they most need to move to the next stage (or get all the way to purchasing). This bot is a fantastic helper for your prospects and customers – and your internal agent teams. Best of all, this Guide Bot will help you convert more leads and ultimately close deals more quickly.

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Published October 8, 2020