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This article explains how to set a Second Chance Bot.

Guide Bot Template: “Second Chance”

See the full list of available Guide Bot templates here.

Website contact forms are great – but sometimes they scare your prospects away, particularly if you require too much information. Use this bot to quickly capture those interested leads before they click away!


  • Increase the number of leads you capture and convert
  • Ensure you’re collecting all necessary information from your website visitors

If a visitor navigates to a “Contact Us” or “Sign up” page with a form, it indicates high intent. That visitor is ready to take action. Unfortunately, many times when a visitor sees a form (particularly a long form with many fields) they have second thoughts, and attempt to click “Back” or (worse) leave your site entirely. This bot catches them before they leave, and attempts to engage them by skipping the form.

Use this bot with Proactive Chat to engage your visitors just before they click away from a contact form. Use the “Is the visitor about to exit?” condition to trigger the bot.

Important Setup Notes:

You will need to configure this Guide Bot in a separate widget (separate from your main chat team) so that it will not trigger for general inquiries (only the proactive chat). Place this new separate widget code snippet on the contact form pages where you want to offer a “second chance” chatbot.

Capture and save visitor information if they choose to skip the form and chat:

There are a few ways to gather information during a live conversation. Ensure that all notes gathered during the chat are actionable for follow-up. Keep in mind that the visitor chose to skip the form and might not be interested in a lengthy conversation. Gather the most important information first to keep these conversations concise. After all, an agent that asks more questions than an online form defeats the purpose of skipping the form in the first place (and provides a poor customer experience).

Create Shortcuts with questions that match those in the form. Shortcuts allow chat agents to respond quickly and concisely to visitor questions, or in this case, conveniently ask the same or differing sets of questions depending on the visitor’s engagement level. Coach and train your agents so that they understand which Shortcuts to send – and when. For instance, not all visitors require the same sets of questions or they might be in a hurry. You can also use Shortcuts to ensure that your chat agents’ questions and responses adhere to your company’s brand and tone standards.

Add Labels to this widget to save all answers and send them to corresponding fields in your CRM (Customer Relationship Management tool) or Help Desk. Labels can include any information you require, like email address, phone number, and appointment type. This will help you further categorize and segment conversations and will enable you to kick off additional downstream workflows (i.e. lead followup or task creation).

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Published October 8, 2020